Investment options available to those starting a career or entering the business world after graduating from college/university:

Many graduates struggle to manage their finances in a proper way once they enter the commerce world. They either face the prospect of having to pay off huge student loans or they have to purchase a motor vehicle and find a place to rent or buy.

Most of the time they struggle to manage their money effectively and merely rely on a pension/preservation fund to save up for retirement. If we assume that the average person retires at the age of 65 and the cost of living increases at the current rate, a pension/preservation fund might not be sufficient to ensure a comfortable retirement.

I therefore have set out to provide free insights into various investment and financing opportunities that are available to the defensive investor (which I assume the average graduate to be) when entering the world of commerce. This will be detailed in the blogs to follow.

"The happiness of those who want to be popular depends on others; the happiness of those who seek pleasure fluctuates with moods outside their control; but the happiness of the wise grows out of their own free acts."


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