Oil & Gas:

I have always had a keen interest in the Oil & Gas sector ever since I started working in a professional environment.

Oil & Gas has always been pivotal to our existence on planet Earth and almost everything here evolves around it. There are many business opportunities embedded in this industry and we should endeavor to exploit them, while at the same time paying cognizance to the effects it has on society and the environment.

There is also great pressure on governments, businesses and populations to come up with more environmentally friendly energy alternatives, known as renewable energy. This sector is still somewhat new and has been developing rapidly in the past couple of years. How can we come up with ways to make energy more sustainable and environmentally friendly?

Just recently, some of the world's largest energy deposits were discovered off the coast of Mozambique and Petroleum giants are eager to exploit these resources, although African waters are some of the most dangerous to explore in. Its not just energy giants that seek to exploit these resources and accompanying economic benefits but tourism and hospitality sector giants also want a piece of the pie. Plans are underway to construct hotels and residences in the areas where exploration will take place, to fill the housing shortage that might arise on arrival of all the expats of these energy giants. Take a look at the project proposal of the Mozambican state owned petroleum corporation for this major exploration project in this picturesque little town of the coast of Mozambique:



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