Monday blues

Today marks the last week in February! What a crazy thought that we are almost through two months of the year already. Here's what I've been reading today,

The impact of tech on children is huge and can be both positive and negative, this piece highlights some scary stats, Children struggle to hold pencils due to too much tech, doctors say

A local small-cap fund manager's stock picks post-Zuma/Zexit, Shopping List for Zexit.

In today's push for passive investment management, can active management still be of use? Reduce Your Risk With Active Management,

The expat salary destinations are....... The World’s Highest Paid Expats Live in This Place and more on Mumbai, the new global attraction for expats, The world’s expatriates are booking a passage to India to get the biggest pay packets,

Stability of dictatorship? China will scrap limit on presidential terms, meaning Xi Jinping can stay on,

How Germany is trying to prevent the African migrant wave into Europe, Germany Exports Employment Offices to Africa,

Unemployment in South Africa has long been an Achilles heel to the economy, Two million young Gautengers sit at home doing nothing

And in the Company Corner, Distell (JSE:DST)  wants to double revenue and profit by focusing on the rest of Africa, Chinese government reasserts control by taking over Anbang and Sasol (JSE:SOL) increases dividend even though they took a knock to interim profit with more detail on this here.

More analysis to follow soon on Tsogo Sun, a company I believe presents a good buying opportunity.....


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