Morning reads (a new dawn awaits Mzansi)

South Africa as a nation is facing a new dawn with the resignation of Jacob Zuma last night thus I think it appropriate to start with some good news this morning,

'Farmer of the year' jumps right back to work after attack

Here is the latest on the state of our nation:

Meanwhile, things are heating up at the Gupta residence in Saxonworld,  Gupta latest: Atul in talks, Ajay officially under arrest

And, our hearts go out to the children of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida shooting: At least 17 dead in high school attack 

On the business front, it seems Viceroy is sticking to their guns on Capitec, Viceroy hits back at Capitec and Jeff Bezos is showing no sign of slowing down with his behemoth, Amazon, Amazon passes Microsoft to become the 3rd-largest U.S. company 

Lastly, here's what Charlie Munger, one of the most iconic value investors, has to say about Bitcoin, Billionaire Charlie Munger says ‘bitcoin is noxious poison’.

Happy Thursday!


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